Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How To Use Your Email List To Generate Sales

If you are wondering about what can be done with your very own email list, you may want to read this article. In this article, you will find out how email marketing is actually done, the importance of scheduling your email broadcast and finally, how to do a high quality email campaign. After reading this article, you will get a more in depth understanding about how to utilize your email list in order to generate sales and profit, while keep your advertising cost lower.
First of all, quite a number of business use email to just sell to their customers. However it may not be a good way to do email marketing. Imagine when you start meeting some new people; you may not want to sell to them immediately because, the relationship with them is still not built up. Therefore, if you want to do good email marketing, the first thing is to provide helpful content for your customers in order to build up the relationship with them. When you think you have provided enough quality content, you may start asking for sales. Since they have already known that you are a good person who always provides value to their customers, they will believe you and buy what you offer to them.
However, to ensure your customer reads your email, you need a highly reliable email service. Most of the time you need a system that can schedule sending of email so that, whenever a customer joins as a subscriber, they can still receive email after certain period of time. There are some email services that provided exactly that kind of system, such as AWeber, iContact or GetResponse. You may search in Google and find the best fit for you. When you have an email service, it is time to start your email campaign.
To create your own email campaign, all you need is some good content and an excellent offer. Generally speaking, you have three types of email that you will send out.
  • Content only: you just provide helpful content to your customer, and nothing else. But you need to ensure that your content is good enough to help your customers.
  • Content plus sales: This kind of email contains some contents and an offer. The offer is usually an affiliate offer but it can also be your own product or service. So your customer may first read your content and then they found your offer at the end of the email.
  • Purely sales: It is a sales only email, which will contain everything about your offer. It generally contains a list of benefits that your customer will get and give a link in the email to allow your customer to see your sales letter.
Generally speaking, you may want to start with a few content only emails, and then give them a purely sales email to allow them to buy.
I hope by far you know how to use your email list to generate sales. Remember most of the businesses just send out sales email but nothing else, which is not very effective. And to ensure your reader receives your email, you need a high quality email services like AWeber. Finally, your email promotion sequence should be started by giving out good content first, then give your offer to your email list after several email. It is by far the most effective way to leverage the power of email marketing. So take action and make some money now.

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